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About Our Motto

We, Maarif Europe, chose the European Union’s motto because it reflects our vision.
The slogan was developed in 2000 in the course of a competition by students from 15 member states.

„In Vielfalt geeint”

(Das Motto der EU, 2000.)

„In Vielfalt geeint”

„United in diversity“

(Das Motto der EU, 2000.)

„United in diversity“

„Çeşitlilik içinde bütünlük“

(Das Motto der EU, 2000.)

„Çeşitlilik içinde bütünlük“

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Courses & Other Programs

Support for Learning

Do you want to astonish your teacher with excellent grades? ?

Career Orientation

There are so many possibilities, lateral entries, and paths…

Language Tutorials

Do you want to expand your knowledge of German, Turkish, or English?

Year Abroad

Abroad experiences are unique and irreplaceable.


Together we will find solution-oriented strategies for achieving your goals.

Arts & Culture & Music

Creativity and sustainability inspire us.